Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick-or-Treat, Smell Our Feet...

Oh Halloween, how I love it. . .the fun of dressing up in costumes, the loads of candy, and seeing friends as you pass through the neighborhood; only things change when your an adult, or at least your point of view! It still makes me giddy, however it's a lot more tiring than I remember as a child! Chasing 3 kids hyped up on pounds of sugar, hauling them in and out of the back of a truck from street to street, and carrying a worn out 2 year old from house to house, who just wants to keep up with her brothers. . .who am I kidding, it's still a blast! I adore their excited little faces, sweet little "Trick-or-Treat" voices, and sticky fingers from popping as much candy in their mouths as they can in the time it takes to get from one house to the next!

This year, TJ was a green ninja, or Ninjago man. . .I don't really know the difference, other than I think one is a little Lego man. Either way, he picked out his costume and I had a hard time getting him still enough for pics (not unusual)!

Tristan was Thor. At school, they went around the class asking all the kids what they were going to dress up as for Halloween. Tristan can't quite say his r's yet, so he said, "I gonna be Tho-wa." His teacher replied, "Dora?" He got a little irritated at that and said, "No, not Do-wa, I gonna be Tho-wa!" Still not understanding him, she asked a few other teachers throughout the day to see if they could understand what he was saying. And when I picked him up that afternoon, they had all thought he said Dora. Bless him and his little southern accent! He was always in character, every time I took his picture. And at each door, he would ask, "You wanna see me put the hamma down?!" I'm not sure the older crowd understood, but he just kept on with his candy quest!

And sweet Tanner, was a Cabbage Patch Baby Doll. Loved this costume. . .and her chubby little cheeks were just the perfect addition! On Wednesday, they got to wear their costumes to school, and Tristan told her that she looked "pa-wecious!" Then last night he said, "Tanna you so cute! But, I cute too!"

While I was putting Tristan to bed last night, he said "Mommy, we going twick-or-tweating tomowwow too?" To be honest, I'm already looking forward next Halloween too!

1 comment:

  1. They all were precious! My favorite pic is when they are speedily running through the grass to the next house! Oh, to be a kid!!!!
